Tuesday, November 2

Ten Questions about Me

Because I am such an interesting person, yet so shrouded in mystery, I've decided to let you, readers, interview me. Assuming there are at least ten people who read this and are curious enough to post a question they'd like me to answer about myself, I'm willing to answer.

So, fire away. What would you like to know? I'll compile the questions and answer as best I can in a future post. You can ask more than one question, but I'm only going to pick one per person. Also, I reserve the right not to answer questions I'd rather not answer.

This, of course, is the post, through lack of questions, in which I realise that nobody really cares. :(


frankie said...

Are you or are you not going to do a Christmas show?

Nils said...

What are you working on that you don't tell anyone about? And why don't you?

frankie said...

Why does Nils always pick on me? Doesn't he like me?

Wayne said...

If given the choice, who would you best like to have dinner with? (deceased accepted-with the understanding they would be alive for the occasion)

Coda said...

What do you most want to accomplish in your life and why?

Nils said...

Why does Frankie think I'm picking on her?

Tim said...

If you were appointed ruler of the universe, would you be a fair and benevolent leader, or would you become corrupt with power?

dave s said...

what's a favourite word?

frankie said...

How come you aren't answering your questions? Does Nils always answer questions with another question?

Rob said...

I'm waiting to compile them all in one post. It's coming soon, since it looks like this is the extent of curious people willing to ask questions.

graham said...

Have you ever been in a fist fight. What is your current hand-to-hand melee combat skill. Do you think you can take me. well do'ya ?

barb said...

who is your worst enemy? Why?