Tuesday, October 12

We're On The Road To MonkeyTown

Last Saturday, my wife and I played the role of Bing Crosby (minus the reported child abuse) while Cameron and his friend Jordan played Bob Hope as we travelled in the second annual birthday party trip to Crystal Palace in Moncton.

Left our driveway at 8:50am, drove back in our driveway at 8:47pm. In between there was this:

-a 40 minute wait at a used computer games store in the Champlain Place Mall, as we inch-by-inched our way to the Bethlehem that was customer service, so Cameron could buy a used game. Two registers, one of which was totally bombarded by two kids who kept buying and buying and buying. The other register was manned (sorry ladies, for that gender-specific term, but it was a guy) by a nice-enough guy, but after a 40 minute wait, nobody is friendly anymore.

-Three hours and fifteen minutes in the echo chamber called Crystal Palace. Constant loud droning of amusement noises, intermingled by the rolling roar of coaster and screams of fearful children.

-Zombie-walking through a mall (or was it two malls? or three?) searching (unsuccessfully) for a winter coat for my wife. I'm sorry, but I cannot be counted on to make a coutoure decision when all I want to eat is brains. Or, is it "are brains"?

-a drive to the BigStop in Aulac where I had a decadent dinner - The Day and Ross Special. Basically, poutine. But the first time I've ever eaten poutine, so... hurray for me!!

-Then home.

Cameron and Jordan had a great time, it was their day (except for the hunt for winter wear), and therefore, I had a great day.

I think, though, that this will have been the final annual birthday trip to Crystal Palace, since Cameron has pretty much outgrown most of the rides. Yes, next year we're gonna take him to a brothel, coincidentally enough, called Crystal's Palais.

And, yes. Cameron bought a monkey. In fact, two.

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