Wednesday, January 4

Yeah, Yeah, I Know... A Blonde Joke

Okay, I know.  I'm blonde.  As such, I've heard my share of blonde jokes.  Most of them are pretty simple and not very good.

However, this blonde joke made me laugh out loud.  Yes, so much that I had to type each word:  Laugh Out Loud.

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Frankie said...

Either your link is broken, or this is the joke where you get the blonde to click on a thousand links without finding the joke...?

Rob said...

You're right. It's one of either of those.

Chris said...

Awesome. So awesome I've added the link to my site.

Frankie said...

Well stop being a lazy blonde and post the joke, instead of the link.
Be considerate of the other blondes out there who can't find that joke!!

Rob said...

The medium is the message.

graham said...

Took me 3 clicks... but I'm auburn...

dylan said...

......still clicking.......

Les said...

Aw crap...I used to be blonde...must be coming back!!

dylan said...

....still clicking......

dylan said...

....that's it I give up. Maybe I can get graham to email me the joke.

graham said...

It goes: 'Q: Why did the blond surf the web? A: Cuz it's the wave of the future...."
Not that funny... but everyone seems to like it on all the different blogs it's linked to.

dylan said...

What's "the web"?