Saturday, June 10

Sketch22 Wants YOU!!!! (to be an extra)

Hey, everyone.
Next Saturday morning, June 17th, at 9:30, Sketch22 is shooting a segment of video for this summer's show.  We are hoping to get as many people as possible to come and be part of the shot.  Young or old, big or small, cool or nerdy, abled or disabled, male or female, catholic or (your religion), x or y... anyone or everyone.  We want you all.
If you are able to come to the Guild on Saturday June 17th, at 9:30, we would be so very happy to have you be part of the shot.  It should take an hour or so.  If you're on the fence about whether or not you should bother, why not jump to the side of the fence that says "yeah, let's do it.  It'll be fun!"
Bring yourself, your friends, your family, your dog, cat, bird, grandmother, absolutely anyone who'd be willing to help us out.  Or, just come by yourself.  You will not be required to do anything any more difficult than make your way up the street, part of a great throng of people.

In order for the shot to be as totally cool and awesome as we hope, we need lots and lots of people in it.  The more people in it, the cooler and more awesome the shot will be.  If you don't come, the shot will be just that less awesome.  We'd really appreciate it if you took time out of your weekend and helped us make this shot rock. 

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