Tuesday, July 5

Sketch22 or Sketch Two, Too

Well, our second season gets underway this Thursday evening, a mere 23 hours from now.
I'm pretty nervous, wondering how the audience will react.  I have a lot of confidence in most of the material, although there are a few sketches for which I wonder how an audience will react.  We are, of course, fearful that the audience won't share our group's sense of humour, yet we also know that much of the show makes us all laugh a lot.  And the few people who've seen snippets of the new material have been genuinely laughing at it, so that's good.  Still, the "Will They Like Us" nerves are definitely there.
It's going to be a long 23 hours.  We have a late night dress rehearsal tomorrow night which should wipe us out.
Gulp.  What have we gotten into?  Whose bright idea was it to come up with all new material for this summer?  It sure would have been safer to rely on the successful sketches from last year.  But then, I probably wouldn't have this pit of worry and nerves in my stomach right now.
The payoff, assuming that audiences dig it, will be worth it.  And the excitement and anticipation of giving the audience all new material is pretty intense.

Stay tuned...


coda said...

As someone who has seen some of the written work and someone who knows you, I think that the summer season will be a great success and that it will undoubtably be a laugh out loud experience.
I have faith in you.

Nils said...

I have absolute faith that this year's show will be every bit as funny as last year's. This is a bunch of really talented young white males. I'm sure that as long as there's not much in the way of gratuitous obscenity, the audiences will respnd well.

Paul H said...

Don't worry...
I'm sure it will go stupendously....
Good luck...Break an arm...

sprague said...

I'm shitting my pants!

Tim said...

Looking forward to the show Rob. I'm sure it will be awesome. Can't wait.

Rob said...

I meant 47 hours, not 23.

Jason said...

Hey Rob. As someone who's seen pretty much the whole thing, i can say it was well worth doing new material. Coming up to it i was thinking "it'd be cool to see that character again". But to be honest, change is better.
It's been a blast to be involved in such a kick-ass show.

Nils said...

Is Andrew shitting his pants part of the show? Do you save it for the encore?

Rob said...

I will not comment on the likelihood of fecal movement or discussion within the show.

Frankie said...

I'm glad you guys are coming down to Summerside for some shows. Can't wait to see it!

Calico Cat said...

Bought my two tickets for the S'Side show Saturday coming. Me and the Mrs... We are both warped and love to laugh,...The more off the wall the better.. Gratuatious profanity,,please.. I've been to the local legion on pogey night, my old man was in the Navy for 25 years, For $15 bucks a head Rob, you had better offend me..
Seriously, from what I've heard read and saw about your show, it'll be great!

Rob said...

Be wary of what you wish for, Calico. Glad to hear you're coming to the Saturday show. it should be great.