Saturday, November 1

Rob's All-Voice Cover Song Idea

So, for a long, long, time, I've had this idea where I get a big group of people together, a choir, and we dissect a song and each of us in the choir take one dissection of that song and interpret it using only our mouths. So, one person (or more, depending on difficulty) would make the bass guitar sounds, some more would "sing" the percussion sounds, others would sing the guitar sounds, etc.
I've had a desire to do this for a long time, as I've said.  I thought it would be challenging and original. As recently as last week, I was thinking about what song would be a good one to do.

But now, this morning, my desire to do it has disappeared because, this morning, I saw this video.  And now that it's done, I don't have to do think about it any more.


davem said...

actually rob we did it first!
remember the first clown show?
"Turkey Dinner!"

josh said...

My friend Mark Andrada did a version of Justin Timberlake's "Cry Me a River" a while back. Not as impressive as the Thriller guy, but it made me laugh pretty hard. This is his facebook fanpage where you can find the song.