Wednesday, December 13


Peter Boyle died this week.  While he'll likely be remembered by a lot of people as Raymond's surly father in Everybody Loves Raymond, to me and many more, his comedic pinnacle came in the film Young Frankenstein, in the scene where he duets Putting On The Ritz with Gene Wilder onstage before the soon-to-be angry mob.  Every time I see that scene in particular, it guarantees a laugh out of me.

Thanks for that, Peter.

1 comment:

Steverino said...

'Twas sad when I heard this today. He seemed like a nice old guy in a curmudgeon's clothing. I, too, love that scene in YF. The properness of Wilder's part followed by the not-so-genteel stylings of Boyle was pure awesomeness. One of my fave movie moments. I also love his scene with Hackman in the woods. His expressions of impatience with the blind hermit were great.