Friday, April 17

Boobies, Vaginas, Mmmm. Gorgeous. Very Gorgeous

So, here's a video a guy was compelled to put up on YouTube.  It's him professing his heterosexuality.  I am assuming that pretty much every word he says is a lie.  To himself, firstly, and then to us.

There are some amazing moments in this video.  From the knick-knack filled background, to the odd animal on the front of his rainbow-like sweater, to the bizarre logic and halted sentence-structure.
On top of all these moments, though, is deep, deep sadness.
I keep envisioning the awfulness of this guy's life: people picking on him, probably; fights with his family, no doubt; and lots of nights of crying by himself, I imagine.

That said, I admit I did laugh a few times.  The moment, about 7 or so minutes in, when he tries to convince us that's he's imagining ladies boobies and vaginas is awesomely fascinating.
Mostly, though, it's a sad guy living a sad lie of a life in a sad situation. 
What were the circumstances that compelled him to make this and post it?

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