Tuesday, June 5

Sketch22 Update

Today marks one month before Sketch22 Season 4 opens for the summer at The Guild.  Thursdays and Fridays, starting July 5. 
Tickets, I believe, will be more expensive this year.  It will now cost you 20 of your hard-earned dollars to see our show.  We really hated putting the price up, but other things around us (theatre rental, theatre services, equipment rental for instance) have been going up for the past three years and we really couldn't remain at the $15 tag anymore.  So, that will be the price for coming to see a show that gives you non-stop entertainment, a boat-load of big laughs and the satisfaction of knowing that you've seen the funniest show on Prince Edward Island this summer.  20 bucks.
Last night at rehearsal, we decided upon our running order.  That's always an interesting community event.  It went pretty smoothly and I dare say we have an ass-kicking lineup of sketches and videos for you to see and experience.  Once again, as in every year past, we have 22 sketches planned.  We're expecting this show to run just under 2 hours (a goal we've tried to achieve, but failed on, every season past).  Our mantra for all the sketches this year is "Crispy Crunch", which means keep them as short and snappy as possible.  Keep it all moving, baby!
We've been busy over the past few weekends shooting for our videos, and still have about three days of shooting still to go.  And then the editing.  Yikes.
All our stage sketches are pretty much written, and are now being tweaked as we go in rehearsal.

We're pretty confident that the show is going to be as funny and enjoyable and outrageous as in past years, and just like in past years, the sketches will be varied and totally different from each other and will keep you wondering what in the hell could possibly come next.

The countdown is on.  Hope to see you there!

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