It does look really good. I'll go see it. I was hoping it would shift into modern day and directly parallel todays fear/control tactics. I guess the message gets across either way.
I should have known that a group of Bush hating, terrorist loving "artistes" such as yourselves would attempt to destroy a hero like Sen. McCarthy. Not only is he directly responsible for keeping the red menace at bay during a vulnerable time of American history. But it is by his example that we are able to root out terrorists and their supporters today. If only a new McCarthy could arise to bring into light the liberal news medias bias towards terrorism. Until all news outlets start to follow FoxNews valiant standard of Patriotic Journalism we are in danger within our own borders. Only strong men like bill o'reilly, rush limbaugh and sean hannity are willing to stand up in the news world for truth, justice and the american way.
What if Bin Laden was living here. Freezing his ass off in winnipeg waiting to strike from his basement apartment. He will spare none but Ted, who works at the local 24 hour convenience store, who has become Osamas good friend and primary outlet to the outside world? I can see it. Can you?
Again the accusations start on my good friend Mujahid Shaykh, Hajj. Just because he is an arab you war mongerers accuse him of being Bin-Laden. Sure he walks with a cane and is quite tall. He may also be left handed and suffer from diabetes but these are only coincidences. If like myself you got to know the real Mujahid you would see that he views the sixth pillar of Islam not to be Jihad but big gulps. And what is wrong with that.
It does look really good. I'll go see it. I was hoping it would shift into modern day and directly parallel todays fear/control tactics. I guess the message gets across either way.
I should have known that a group of Bush hating, terrorist loving "artistes" such as yourselves would attempt to destroy a hero like Sen. McCarthy. Not only is he directly responsible for keeping the red menace at bay during a vulnerable time of American history. But it is by his example that we are able to root out terrorists and their supporters today. If only a new McCarthy could arise to bring into light the liberal news medias bias towards terrorism. Until all news outlets start to follow FoxNews valiant standard of Patriotic Journalism we are in danger within our own borders. Only strong men like bill o'reilly, rush limbaugh and sean hannity are willing to stand up in the news world for truth, justice and the american way.
hear! hear!
peace is the devils playground.
[Agent 99} Oh, Max! [/Agent 99]
You think your safe in Canada but your surrounded by the Iraq Republican Guard!
Would you believe a thousand Iraqi Insugents?
How about Bin Laden on a Donkey?
What if Bin Laden was living here. Freezing his ass off in winnipeg waiting to strike from his basement apartment. He will spare none but Ted, who works at the local 24 hour convenience store, who has become Osamas good friend and primary outlet to the outside world?
I can see it. Can you?
Again the accusations start on my good friend Mujahid Shaykh, Hajj. Just because he is an arab you war mongerers accuse him of being Bin-Laden. Sure he walks with a cane and is quite tall. He may also be left handed and suffer from diabetes but these are only coincidences. If like myself you got to know the real Mujahid you would see that he views the sixth pillar of Islam not to be Jihad but big gulps. And what is wrong with that.
Fahrenheit 7/11
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